Under the Rehabilitation Code 2015 Defendant insurers are invited to consider whether the victim may benefit from any rehabilitation. The purpose of the code is to help the injured claimant make the best and quickest possible medical, social, vocational and psychological recovery.
Although its voluntary, most insurers will abide by the code, particularly in serious injury cases, where usually an Immediate Needs Assessment will be arranged at an early stage. This assessment would involve an experienced healthcare professional visiting you (normally at home) to assess your immediate/short term care and medical needs. Typically they would make recommendations for action to be taken in these respects which could be adaptations to your home, funding for medical treatment, occupational therapy, help with transport etc. If agreeable to the recommendations, usually the Defendant insurers will put funding in place for the necessary action to be taken.
Depending on the nature of your injuries and where appropriate as part of your rehabilitation, we may also seek to arrange a case manager be appointed on your behalf who would help manage all the various issues for you such as coordinating, monitoring and evaluating what options and services are available to you which would help meet your needs.
Rehabilitation can be an ongoing process and may even continue until the conclusion of the claim.