
Elle-May Macey

  • Criminal Defence

Qualifications and Study Experience

Elle-May completed her LLB Law Course at Nottingham Trent University in 2019 achieving a first class honours award overall and went to work for a firm’s criminal law department as a Paralegal. Here, Elle-May was nominated for Best Newcomer in the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year 2020 Awards, which was endorsed by Kings Counsel. Elle-May joined Waldrons mid-2022 and has since completed her training contract.


Work Experience

I have worked on a vast amount of criminal defence cases and 2022 has seen me join Waldrons, complete my Legal Practice Course, achieve distinction for my Master’s Degree from the University of Law and successfully complete my training contract. A busy year to say the least but my passion for criminal law has carried me through. The studying does not stop here as I’m currently undertaking my Police Station Accreditation to become a Police Station Representative, as well as working towards becoming a Duty Solicitor.

In October 2022, I began practicing as a qualified solicitor and have been representing clients in Magistrates Courts across the West Midlands.


External Mentions

Elle-May qualified as a Solicitor in 2022; she is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and also a member of the Law Society


Personal Info

I love getting outside to connect with nature whenever I can. This includes spending time paddle boarding and cold water swimming. I regularly attend yoga classes and always enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

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