Waterfront Matters Relaunch - A Morning of Success and Positivity

Thursday 18th July 2024

This morning marked the successful relaunch of Waterfront Matters with a well-attended breakfast event, creating a vibrant atmosphere of optimism and engagement. Attendees were treated to insightful and down-to-earth presentations from the hosts, Waldrons Solicitors.

The event’s featured practical advice delivered by the Business Services Team, led by Dennis Thomas, the Head of the Department. Dennis and his team provided clear, actionable insights that resonated with the diverse audience of business professionals. Their expertise and approachable manner were well-received, making complex legal and business topics accessible and relevant.

Olivia Davies, Maariyah Yaqub, Tim Clark and Courtney Stephenson all gave an insight as to how their respective areas of law can assist any business whether that be to sell or business structure set up, buy or take a lease of premises, advise on a dispute with a customer or employee and even the negotiation with telecommunication companies for masts on premises.

Waldrons Solicitors’ commitment to fostering a supportive business environment was evident in the thoughtful content and genuine interactions throughout the morning. The positive feedback from attendees underscored the event’s success, with many looking forward to future Waterfront Matters events. This relaunch not only reinforced the value of community and collaboration but also showcased Waldrons Solicitors as a reliable partner for business growth and success.
