Red Cards and Red Flags: Domestic Abuse and Euros 2024

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

The excitement of the Euros 2024 brings joy to many, but unfortunately, it can also lead to an increase in domestic abuse cases. Studies show that major sports events often see a rise in domestic abuse incidents due to increased alcohol consumption, heightened emotions, and stress.

A study conducted revealed that during previous tournaments, domestic violence incidents increased by up to 38% when the national team loses and by 26% when they win or draw. Additionally, when alcohol is involved, cases nearly double, rising to 47%. It is important to note that these statistics reflect reported incidents only, and many cases of domestic abuse go unreported. This troubling trend highlights the need for awareness and action during the Euros 2024.

In cases of domestic abuse, a non-molestation order is a crucial legal tool. This court ordered injunction prohibits an abuser from harassing or threatening the victim and can prevent them from contacting the victim directly or indirectly. If you’re experiencing abuse, consulting with legal professionals can help you determine whether applying for a non-molestation order is appropriate to ensure your safety and security.

If you are in immediate danger, call emergency services. For support on your legal options, our Family Team and Care Team can help, please contact or Reception on 01384 811 811.
